Dissertation on Near-Field Projection for Driver Assistance Systems


The future of driver assistance systems in our latest dissertation: 'Near-field Projection as an Adaptive Driver Assistance System'.

The recently completed dissertation titled “Near-field Projection as an Adaptive Driver Assistance System – A Technical and Human-oriented Consideration for Future Traffic Scenarios” by Alexander Stuckert focuses on implementing road projection technologies as driver assistance systems. This research highlights how direct visualization can serve as a communication medium between vehicles and other road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. The innovative use of projection technologies could significantly contribute to improving road safety and facilitating the introduction of highly automated vehicles. This successful completion not only marks a personal milestone for the researcher but also represents a significant advancement in the development of projection-based driver assistance systems. Special thanks are extended to the examining panel, including Prof. Khanh, Prof. Neumann, Prof. Steinmetz, Prof. Adamy, and Prof. Frosch, for their contributions to the evaluation process.